Emerging Issues for Biodiversity Conservation in a Changing Climate 2007

Abstracts of Poster Presentations at the 12th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice of the Convention on Biological Diversity 2–6 July 2007 in Paris, France. Contributions contained in this publication will stimulate awareness about the interlinkages between biodiversity and climate change. These interlinkages run both ways. To name a few, biodiversity is affected by climate change through the alteration of habitats as a result of global warming, sea-level rise, loss of snow and ice cover, and an increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. At the same time, actions to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity increase the resilience of ecosystems in the face of climate change and help offset its effects.

cbd-ts-29.pdf (3.84 MB)

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filesize 3.84 MB
timestamp Thu, 02/20/2025 - 11:00
Source URL http://www.biodiv.org