Aggregated Fish Catch by Longline for Pacific Islands Region

This dataset contains metadata and tabular file (csv) that represents the most complete LONGLINE data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fishing Commission (WCPFC) that can be disseminated into the public domain in accordance with the current “Rules and Procedures for the Protection, Access to, and Dissemination of Data Compiled by the Commission”. Data cover 1950 to 2018 for the WCPFC Convention Area. Aggregated data are grouped by 5°x5° latitude/longitude grids, year and month.

In reference to the RAP (Paragraph 9), cells where effort is less than or equal to the maximum value estimated to represent the activities of two vessels have been removed from the public domain data.

Fields for the tabular data are:
YY - Year
MM - Month
LAT5 - Latitude. This is the short format of the Latitude position (in degrees only). It represents the latitude of the south-west corner of the 5° square for these data.
LON5 - Longitude. It represents the longitude of the south-west corner of 5° square for these data.
CWP_GRID - Coordinating Working Party No
HHOOKS - Hundreds of hooks (longline effort).
ALB_C - Albacore catch in metric tonnes.
ALB_N - Albacore catch in numbers.
YFT_C - Yellowfin catch (metric tonnes)
YFT_N - Yellowfin catch in numbers.
BET_C - Bigeye catch (metric tonnes).
BET_N - Bigeye catch in numbers.
MLS_C - Striped Marlin catch (metric tonnes).
MLS_N - Striped Marlin catch (number).
BLM_C - Black marlin catch (metric tonnes).
BLM_N - Black marlin catch (number).
BLZ_C - Blue marlin catch (metric tonnes).
BLZ_N - Blue marlin catch (number).
SWO_C - Swordfish catch (metric tonnes).
SWO_N - Swordfish catch (number).
OTH_C - Other species catch (metric tonnes)
OTH_N -The total of all other species catch (in numbers).

Additonal Information

Field Value
mimetype application/zip
filesize 3.2 MB
timestamp Thu, 02/20/2025 - 11:00
Source URL