207 results

DEFINITION - Trends in biomass of tuna species
PURPOSE - Track the health of this important component of the ocean ecosystem
DESIRED OUTCOME - Stable biomass catch

DEFINITION - Fish biomass for inshore fish populations
PURPOSE - Indicates inshore fish population status and reef health
DESIRED OUTCOME - Stable level of biomass; or juvenile fish are not overrepresented in markets

DEFINITION - % of plastic in waste audits, including beach clean-ups
PURPOSE- Determine trends in marine plastic pollution from land and at-sea sources
DESIRED OUTCOME - Stable or declining trend in proportion of plastic in waste audits

Indicator 13 : Terrestrial Protected Areas

Indicator 14 : Marine Protected Areas

Indicator 15 : Protected Area Management Effectiveness

Indicator 16 : Key biodiversity areas protected

Indicator 17 : Governance and equity of protected areas

Indicator 18 : Integration of protected areas into wider land and seascapes

DEFINITION : Population abundance of identified species

PURPOSE : Tracks the status of populations of priority species over time

DESIRED OUTCOME : Stable or positive trend in population size

DEFINITIO : Number and types of species listed as threatened on the IUCN Red List and a summary of their threats

PURPOSE : Track the status of threatened species and understand the most important threats

DESIRED OUTCOME : Trend for species to be downgraded to lower threat levels or off the threatened species list

DEFINITION : Trend in consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODS)

PURPOSE : Tracks countries progress to phasing out ODS. Ozone depleting substances destroy the earth’s ozone which protects the earth from UV radiation

DESIRED OUTCOME : Negative trend in ODS consumption

DEFINITION : Trend in percentage production of energy from renewable sources

PURPOSE : Energy generation is a major source of GHG emissions. Pacific island countries also have limited capacity for oil and gas storage and are therefore highly vulnerable to fluctuations in fossil fuel price and availability

DESIRED OUTCOME : Positive trend in energy production from renewable sources

DEFINITION : Annual per capita generation of municipal solid waste

PURPOSE : Accurate measurement of per capita waste generation for better waste management

DESIRED OUTCOME : Stabilisation and subsequent negative trend in household waste generated

DEFINITION : Quantity of generated hazardous wastes processed/treated (including export)

PURPOSE : Treatment and safe storage of hazardous waste mitigates the risk to humans and nature. Hazardous materials can have direct and indirect, chronic or acute impacts

DESIRED OUTCOME : Full treatment/processing of all hazardous waste generated

DEFINITION : % of households connected to central sewerage system

PURPOSE : Tracks progress in managing sewage in a way that minimises the risk of water contamination. Untreated sewage and leaking septic systems are a major source of ground and surface water contamination

DESIRED OUTCOME : Positive trend in % of households connected to central sewerage system

In this report, a set of recommendations is provided for each indicator to support the next best steps for management action that will advance progress towards the target outcome and support Pacific people and biodiversity.

 Nauru Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment

Documentation on getting started with the Inform Data Portal.

 Nauru Bureau of Statistics

These reports culminate the findings of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) that was undertaken from September 2012 to the end of August 2013 and the 2006 HIES data

 Nauru Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment

Nauru faces many economic and environmental challenges. In the 1970s the country experienced an economic boom due to phosphate mining, however, because of mismanagement of the revenue, the country currently has limited financial resources to undertake many of its development programmes including environmentally sound waste management. In the face of a range of environmental, social and economic threats from poor waste management and pollution, and in the context of the limited resources, this National Solid Waste Management Strategy is developed as a matter of priority.

 Nauru Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment

Survey of the regional distribution and status of asbestos- contaminated construction material and best practice options for its management in Pacific Island Countries

Report for the Republic of Nauru

 Nauru Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment

The National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) declares the development journey for a better quality of life for every Nauruan. It is a road map that reflects the reforms needed to be put in place and the strategies for implementation, as the platform for a better life today and tomorrow.