57 results

The SPREP ID map is a high resolution (1MB) that shows SPREP member countries with their Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries developed by the GIS team at SPREP.

The SPREP ID map is low resolution (200KB) that shows SPREP member countries with their Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries developed by the GIS team at SPREP.

The map is high resolution showing SPREP member countries' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries overlaid on a bathymetric base layer that was developed by the GIS team at SPREP.

The map is low resolution showing SPREP member countries' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries overlaid on a bathymetric base layer that was developed by the GIS team at SPREP.

This dataset contains mapped point locations for protected areas within Nauru. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas polygon locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within Nauru.

This dataset contains mapped polygon locations for protected areas within Nauru. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas point locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within Nauru.

Coconut vegetation type in geojson format from ridge to reef project

Ridge to Reef Data, Bathymetry Class, Limited Metadata, Compiled in 2018

Ridge to Reef Data, BIORAP Priority Areas Nauru, limited metadata, compiled in 2018

Ridge to Reef Data, BIORAP Survey Site_Buada, Limited meta data, compiled in 2018

Ridge to Reef data on the BIORAP Survey Site_ijuw anabar. Limited Metadata, compiled in 2018

Ridge to Reef Data on the BIORAP Survey Site on Meneng Coast, Limited Metadata that was compiled in 2018

Ridge to Reef Data on the buildings in Nauru, limited metadata compiled in 2018

Ridge to reef data on the coastline of Nauru, limited metadata that was compiled in 2018

Ridge to reef data on the districts in Nauru, limited meta data compiled in 2018