511 results

Indicator 13 : Terrestrial Protected Areas

Indicator 14 : Marine Protected Areas

Indicator 15 : Protected Area Management Effectiveness

Indicator 16 : Key biodiversity areas protected

Indicator 17 : Governance and equity of protected areas

Indicator 18 : Integration of protected areas into wider land and seascapes

DEFINITION : Population abundance of identified species

PURPOSE : Tracks the status of populations of priority species over time

DESIRED OUTCOME : Stable or positive trend in population size

DEFINITIO : Number and types of species listed as threatened on the IUCN Red List and a summary of their threats

PURPOSE : Track the status of threatened species and understand the most important threats

DESIRED OUTCOME : Trend for species to be downgraded to lower threat levels or off the threatened species list

DEFINITION : Trend in consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODS)

PURPOSE : Tracks countries progress to phasing out ODS. Ozone depleting substances destroy the earth’s ozone which protects the earth from UV radiation

DESIRED OUTCOME : Negative trend in ODS consumption

DEFINITION : Trend in percentage production of energy from renewable sources

PURPOSE : Energy generation is a major source of GHG emissions. Pacific island countries also have limited capacity for oil and gas storage and are therefore highly vulnerable to fluctuations in fossil fuel price and availability

DESIRED OUTCOME : Positive trend in energy production from renewable sources

DEFINITION : Annual per capita generation of municipal solid waste

PURPOSE : Accurate measurement of per capita waste generation for better waste management

DESIRED OUTCOME : Stabilisation and subsequent negative trend in household waste generated

DEFINITION : Quantity of generated hazardous wastes processed/treated (including export)

PURPOSE : Treatment and safe storage of hazardous waste mitigates the risk to humans and nature. Hazardous materials can have direct and indirect, chronic or acute impacts

DESIRED OUTCOME : Full treatment/processing of all hazardous waste generated

DEFINITION : % of households connected to central sewerage system

PURPOSE : Tracks progress in managing sewage in a way that minimises the risk of water contamination. Untreated sewage and leaking septic systems are a major source of ground and surface water contamination

DESIRED OUTCOME : Positive trend in % of households connected to central sewerage system

In this report, a set of recommendations is provided for each indicator to support the next best steps for management action that will advance progress towards the target outcome and support Pacific people and biodiversity.

Within the Declaration there are five key areas under which there are different action tracks, these are actions that governments and environmental organisations recognise, endorse and are committed to implementing.

These five key areas are:

1. Our Ocean.
2. Our Islands.
3. Our Connection with Nature.
4. Implementation.
5. Call to Action.

This document outlines the activities that the Secretariat plans to undertake to support the IYB. Some of these have already begun and others are in development. The paper includes suggestions as to actions that other partners may take to advance the celebrations of the IYB.
The end result of the IYB celebration will be action at various levels as a result of targeted "public awareness" campaigns in collaboration with a number of partners. A comprehensive

As noted in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, climate change is one of the most important drivers of biodiversity loss" and is projected to further adversely affect the role of
biodiversity as a source of goods and services. The impacts of climate change on biodiversity have been of major concern to the Convention on Biological Diversity since 2002 when, following a request from the Conference of the Parties and the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), an Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group was established to carry

Lilie de Tupai ou Motu~Iti (16°15’S, 15l°50,W), l’un des cinq atolls des lies de la Societe, est, apres Bellingshausen (souvent ecrit Belling- hausen) (15°45’S, 154°33’W), le plus au nord de cet archipel, a 280 km NNW de Papeete. C'est grace a l'amabilite de son proprietaire, Maltre Marcel Lejeune, et a l'interet qu'il porte aux travaux scientifiques que j'ai

In June/July 2002 an eradication programme to remove Pacific rats from Maninita Island in the Vava'u group of the Kingdom of Tonga was initiated. The techniques used were similar to those
used in successful rat eradications in New Zealand, in that Pestoff 20R pellets and a network of bait stations were used.
Conditions on the island were not what was expected, the forest having been adversely affected by cyclone Waka and subsequent defoliation by caterpillars, resulting in an open forest canopy. Rats were found to be present on the island in high numbers and were breeding.

Climate change adaptation is vital for Pacific SIDS. Long-term effects, including the increasing frequency and severity of extreme events such as high rainfall, droughts, tropical cyclones, and storm surges are affecting the people in this region. Coupled with non-climate drivers, such as inappropriate land use, overexploitation of resources, increasing urbanization and population increase, development in the region is increasingly undermined.

Work is based around country visits by the network coordinator to support PILN teams to identify and take strategic action to manage their priority invasive species. The network is functioning by sharing awareness of successful activities being earned out by the teams, providing the mechanism for other teams to do the same, and actively encouraging them to do so.
Capacity building is linked to on-going invasive species projects and achieved through workshops and exchanges.

Small island states present a significant challenge in terms of sustainable tourism development. On a small island there are limited resources, economic and social activities tend to be concentrated on the coastal zone, and the interconnectivity between economic, environmental, social, cultural and political spheres is strong and pervasive. Consequently the sustainable development of tourism is more a practical necessity than an optional extra.