Scientific article published in the Pacific Science (2008) vol. 62, no. 4: 499-507
pdf 1 pager. graph downloaded from BOM 2021
raw data on ozone depleting substance consumption for Nauru.
4-page summary from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Graph from OurWorldInData
Report presented to the Fourth Pacific Meteorological Council Meeting held in Honiara from 14-18 August, 2017.
Dataset that provides a direct link to Nauru's data hosted on the GBIF website/records.
Report - 9 pages
Report - 49 pages. Porduced with support from the European Union and the German Government (GIZ).
Report - 26 pages. Second Draft
Presentation for the Pacific Climate Change Roundtable (July, 2013)
45 pages.
12 page Executive Summary (May, 2013)
2 page document produced by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australian Government)
Census information. 24 pages.
31 pages. Report prepared by Ipia Gadabu, National Statistics Office
Census Report - 217 pages.
A direct internet link to a time series data of Environmental Health indicators for Nauru as listed on the SPC website. Data include;
1. Proportion of Population and Households with access to Improved Drinking Water
2. Proportion of Population and Households with access to Improved Sanitation