Report prepared by the Nauru MDG Taskforce and the Govt of Nauru with assistance from UNDP. 116 pages.
Sea level data by month and year 1993 to 2017
Finalised Policy on Nauru's National Water, Sanitation. 30 pages
Report - 108 pages sponsored WHO, UN Habitat, UNICEF and SPC
Report. Supported by the European Union, GCCA, SPC, SPREP and Government of Nauru. 271 pages.
Scientific journal - Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes : 138-139 (2014)
Consultant report - Pacific Hycos - published as SOPAC Technical Report 435 - 2010
Pacific brief for the report of the Secretary-General to CSD13 - SOPAC Miscellaneous Report 598
Report under the IWP-Pacific Technical report (International Waters Project) No. 9
EU-SOPAC (EDF9) Project Report 80. Reducing Vulnerability of Pacific ACP States
Extracted Annexed from a WHO Mission to Nauru by Dr Ian Wallis 2001
A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of A. Appl. Sci. (Hons) at the University of New England, Norther Rivers. 91 pages
Scientific article - Micronesica 40(1/2): 227-232 (2008)
Scientific article - Pacific Science 2008 (62 : 4) 495-498.
Scientific article - Bulletin BOC 2008 128(4)
Scientific article: Pacific Science 2008 (62 : 4 ) 499-507
Photocopy of an article published in Geo 9 (2): 70-77
Photocopy article by Vigors Earle published in Walkabout (Sept. 1st, 1941)
Scientific publication: Micronesica 39 (2): 171-295 (2007)
A report published by the Atoll Research Programme, University of the South Pacific 1997 for
Nauru Departments of: Island Development and Industry, Education and Health and Nauru Fisheries and Marine Resources of the Government of the Republic of NAURU
with financial support from UNESCO
via UNESCO Office for the Pacific States, W. Samoa.