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02 February 2022 | dataset

Nauru Coral Reef Data - Allen Coral Atlas

The [Allen Coral Atlas]( combines high resolution satellite imagery, machine learning and field data to produce globally consistent benthic and geomorphic maps of the world's coral reefs. The Atlas is funded primarily by [Vulcan Inc.]( (founded by the late Paul G. Allen); partners include [Planet Labs Inc.](, Arizona State University’s [Center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science](, the [National Geographic Society](, and the University of Queensland’s [Remote Sensing Research Center]( (UQ-RSRC).


Recommendation for Citing: Allen Coral Atlas (2020). Imagery, maps and monitoring of the world's tropical coral reefs. Zendodo. [DOI:](

Data and Resource

Nauru Geomorphic Habitat Data - Geojson

The twelve Global Geomorphic Zones mapped by…

Nauru Benthic and Geomorphic Habitat Data

The Allen Coral Atlas is a global-scale coral…

Nauru Benthic Habitat Data

The six Allen Coral Atlas Global Benthic…

Field Value
Publisher Nauru Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment, Nauru Fisheries and Marine Resources Authority (NFMRA), Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier 8c609d89-14ed-47aa-840f-918a2982ee57
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Nauru
Relevant Countries Nauru
License Public
[Open Data]